Springfield Clinic
The Drug Awareness Response Team (DART) office will provide life-saving Harm Reduction Services for Robertson, Sumner, Montgomery, and Davidson Counties. The location is dedicated to supporting the communities of Robertson, Sumner, Montgomery, and Davidson counties by providing life-saving harm reduction services. The DART Program offers compassionate, non-judgmental support to individuals struggling with substance abuse, along with critical HIV and Hepatitis C testing and treatment services.
Robertson County sits in the middle of four of the highest number of overdose deaths in Middle TN. Those counties include Sumner, Cheatham, Montgomery, and Davidson County, with Davidson County having the second-highest overdose death rate in the nation. Opening a Harm Reduction Center in Robertson County was a good way to provide services to all those counties.

Services Offered
The new Robertson Campus DART Program Office will offer a range of essential services, including:
• Membership opportunities and participation incentives
• Free HIV and Hepatitis C testing
• Access to rapid ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) for new HIV diagnoses
• HIV treatment and medical care
• Free condoms and lube
• Free harm reduction supplies, including access to new syringes and used syringe disposal
• Free Narcan and/or Kloxxado
• Treatment, recovery, and MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment) referrals
• Educational information
• Volunteer opportunities
The office is fully equipped with an exam room and lab testing area to support comprehensive care.
Office Hours
The DART Program’s Robertson County location will be open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and on the last Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at 200 Northcrest Drive, Suite 220, Springfield, TN 37172 Call 615-821-2099 for appointments.