It is generally recommended that PrEP be used in combination with other sexual safety methods.

Nashville PrEP Clinic
PrEP or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is a daily pill that is 99% effective in preventing HIV. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV transmission and can offer peace of mind for anyone who is sexually active or at-risk.
PrEP is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or relationship status. According to the CDC, about 25% of new HIV infections are transmitted through heterosexual contact and 69% for men who have sex with men.
PrEP does not prevent or protect from other STIs.
PEP or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis is taken after a potential exposure to HIV to prevent becoming infected and is most effective if started within 72 hours after possible exposure.
We believe that protecting your health should be free of stigma and provided with respect. Contact the clinic to schedule a visit with one of our helpful medical providers to determine if PrEP or PEP are right for you.
To schedule your appointment for PrEP or PEP please call us at 615-499-7406, to speak to an HIV Testing Specialist outside of normal business hours contact our 24-Hour Hotline at (615) 761-4474.

Get PrEP & DoxyPEP online with Freddie(TM)
We've partnered with Freddie(TM), America's #1 Rated Online PrEP Provider, to help you stay safe from HIV and other STIs. Freddie(TM) offers a quick online assessment, affirming expert clinicians, at-home testing, and free, discreet delivery to your door.
[Trustpilot virtual PrEP providers as of 4/30/24]

PrEP is 92 - 95% effective in preventing HIV, but only if taken daily as prescribed.
When you're ready, you will need to schedule an appointment with our navigators to get tested to make sure you do not have HIV. It is important to stay connected to your doctor and navigator for follow-up testing, refills and discussions about any side effects.
In most cases your private insurance can help pay for PrEP. However, we do have assistance programs for those who qualify.
PrEP is only intended for HIV negative individuals prior to a potential exposure. PEP is Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and is most effective if initiated within 72 hours after possible exposure.